(Review) Macadamia Oil Extract Foot Pack

*English onlyDSCF4788Some time ago when I was in Poundworld I noticed this nice foot pack and I couldn’t stop myself from buying it.

Great choice, indeed! If you feel that your feet need help because they were “worked” a lot or you need a relaxing moment after work this foot pack is perfect for you!

I decided to give it a try today, felt like I needed this for a long time… Being up on my feet everyday makes me lust for a foot massage and this foot pack was the closest feeling to it. If you want something quick and efficient this is exactly what you are looking for!DSCF4777About Macadamia Oil Extract Foot Pack: Macadamia Oil intensive treatment boots are enriched with Macadamia Oil and Peppermint Extract but among other ingredients there are also Shea Butter, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Menthol. All these ingredients penetrate deep into the skin to reduce callus build-up and help repair and soften cracked, split heels.DSCF4780

Price: Only £1 in Poundworld but you can find it on Amazon 3 for £4.28 and on Ebay 1 for £2.50

How to use:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry feet;
  2. Take out and unfold the boots and wear the boots on your feet;
  3. Remove the boots after 15-20 minutes.DSCF4781DSCF4782

My experience with this product:

  • I decided to use the pack while watching a movie. It’s better to be used while you are sitting down because the boots are slippery having cream inside them;
  • Exactly when I opened the package I smelled shea butter and menthol, great scent for the nasal passages;
  • When I put them on, at first, I felt a tingly sensation but it disappeared quickly and I enjoyed the rest of the minutes relaxing;
  • After removing them, I rubbed in the amount of remaining cream and that was all, no need to wash;
  • The boots made my heels feel soft, fresh and moisturized;
  • It’s an addictive product and, fortunately, cheap.
  • The pack can be used only once but the price is not high so you can afford it whenever you need a relaxing moment;
  • This product makes me lazy. Now that I discovered it, I will stop massaging my feet alone or asking my boyfriend to do this, I will just buy packs and packs of Macadamia Oil Extract Foot Pack. DSCF4785Have you ever used it? What are your thoughts about this?

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  1. hmm, nu cunosc nici o fata care sa foloseasca asa ceva, in schimb, stiu vreo cativa care umblau cu pungi in picioare cand ploua afara… se pune? :))

  2. Looks interesting :)) and a bit funny, like boots. Keeping feet moisturized is important, just like hands.

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