Letter from Santa – Lapland Letters

Letter from Santa – Lapland Letters

Hi peeps, If you're currently looking for present ideas for your little ones, take a look at Lapland Letters. Lapland Letters is a UK company that produces personalised letters for children from Santa/Father Christmas. Each letter is uniquely personalised for your child and you can choose from 10 types of letters (£5.95) and designs, they've even got one for Lockdown. Santa changes his…
Trip to Scotland

Trip to Scotland

Hey peeps! September is here so I've thought to create this post which will take you from the ocean and give you some ideas to visit the mountains and also the North Sea. We started travelling to Scotland in November 2017 when we celebrated our 9 year relationship anniversary in Edinburgh. Since then, we kept going back there to various places and we…
7 pretty places to visit in Cornwall

7 pretty places to visit in Cornwall

Hi peeps, it's been a while :) Hope you're alright considering everything that's going on at the moment all over the world. We're fine, back to our travels since lock down has been eased off. Last gateway prior to the pandemic was to Scotland with my parents when they came over to visit us in January. We are back on track now and…
Travelling by car with a 0-6 months old baby

Travelling by car with a 0-6 months old baby

Hey peeps! Prior to being parents, we used to love travelling all around the UK and not only. Over a year ago when we found out I was pregnant, people around us had the opinion that travelling will stop as soon as you have a baby because he/she might keep you from doing so. I know it kind of sounds scary for first…
How moving to England changed me

How moving to England changed me

....and nope, not just the fact that I prefer to write most of my posts in English. Hey, peeps! I think you all remember how much I dreamt about moving to the UK (if not, check my posts here) and that I was convinced that one day this will happen. For those of you new here: I'm Andra, a Romanian girl who moved to…