From Coastal Charms to Alpine Adventures: a journey through Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria 🌊🏔️

From Coastal Charms to Alpine Adventures: a journey through Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria 🌊🏔️

Hola aventureros! 🌍Ready for another epic road trip? 🚗✨ Building on the adventures from my previous blog post with travels through Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia etc, I'm back with a post that promises even more unforgettable experiences. This time, diving into the scenic splendors of Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria—a blend of coastal charms and alpine adventures that will leave you…
Reflecting on a Year of National Trust Membership

Reflecting on a Year of National Trust Membership

Hey peeps! Welcome back to my blog! It's been a year since we signed up for the National Trust membership and as I reflect on this past year I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude. Join me on this journey as I dive into our adventures, discoveries and cherished moments exploring the beauty and history of the UK's incredible…
Eurotrip ideas (Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia & other)

Eurotrip ideas (Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia & other)

Hola aventureros! ✈ Where next? About 5 years ago we decided to go to Romania (our homecountry) by car (from England) instead of flying there, this way we can actually see more places and make it a roadtrip. Although is not cheaper to go by car (a lot of people asked this), we seem to enjoy the journey more than the actual destinations…
Best places to visit in the Lake District

Best places to visit in the Lake District

Hey peeps! With the upcoming bank holiday weekend I thought it would be nice to share with you some of our favourite places in the Lake District. We've been going back to Lake District on and on as it just feels like you can never have enough of it! We've recently purchased a National Trust membership too (Yes, I know, we should have…
Trip to Scotland

Trip to Scotland

Hey peeps! September is here so I've thought to create this post which will take you from the ocean and give you some ideas to visit the mountains and also the North Sea. We started travelling to Scotland in November 2017 when we celebrated our 9 year relationship anniversary in Edinburgh. Since then, we kept going back there to various places and we…
7 pretty places to visit in Cornwall

7 pretty places to visit in Cornwall

Hi peeps, it's been a while :) Hope you're alright considering everything that's going on at the moment all over the world. We're fine, back to our travels since lock down has been eased off. Last gateway prior to the pandemic was to Scotland with my parents when they came over to visit us in January. We are back on track now and…
The prettiest places to visit in Wales

The prettiest places to visit in Wales

Hola aventureros! ✈ Where next? I'm sure you all know by now how much we love travelling and even recently with a 8 weeks old baby we've managed to go to South Wales and not only (just so you know that having a baby doesn't stop you from travelling - but this is a subject for another post). Over time, unfortunately, hardly any…
One day in Scarborough

One day in Scarborough

SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION RO: De când am ajuns în York ne-am dorit să vedem marea căci se află la o distanță de 35 de mile de noi. Dar am așteptat până în urmă cu o lună, când de ziua prietenului meu am vizitat Scarborough. Ne-am urcat în tren și în 45 de minute am fost acolo. Imediat cum am ieșit…
Visiting the City Walls of York

Visiting the City Walls of York

SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION RO: Heya, folks! Am revenit cu o nouă postare în care o să vă povestesc despre un obiectiv turistic fascinant din orașul în care locuiesc. Sinceră să fiu(spre rușinea mea), până să mă mut în York nici măcar nu știam multe despre acest oraș decât auzisem de regiunea Yorkshire. Acest lucru a făcut ca intrarea mea în…
Despre excursia la Sibiu (și o peripeție)

Despre excursia la Sibiu (și o peripeție)

RO: Săptămâna trecută am pus la cale o plimbare la Sibiu și la Dumbrava Sibiului. O excursie în familie: Eu, Mihai, mătușa mea Cristina, mama și tata. Am plecat duminică dimineața la ora 8 și ne-am întors la ora 21. Vremea extraordinară, locurile minunate și ne-am simțit foarte, foarte bine. Am făcut o oprire pe la Călimănești apoi direct Sibiu și Dumbrava Sibiului.…